• The Health Rebounder

    Bounce! Be Fit! Live!
    Introducing a high quality-bouncing device for a low impact workout.
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  • Active Fun Trampolines

    Recreational Trampolines for all ages
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Welcome to Active Fun!

Our company proudly offers recreation trampolines designed and patented by George Nissen, inventor of the trampoline.

Our range of care and support rebounders have been designed to help users remain mobile and ease pain while exercising. 

If your business is related to the Silver Economy, rehabilitation or improving life in the work place; contact us for more details.

In the 1930s, George Nissen invented the trampoline and also created the word used to describe his contraption.

George continued to create well into his 90’s with his long time friend Masato Ikegami. His goal was to produce products that helped kids and adults lead a more active lifestyle and achieve better health and well-being through physical activity, all while having fun.

 Active Fun continues in this tradition by manufacturing products that bears George Nissen’s “PROOF OF EXCELLENCE”.

George Nissen – Inventor of the trampoline
A complete program of health exercises, developed for the elderly
and using our Health Rebounders, is being successfully run in Japan

This program shows amazing results on users’ health and well-being, and is now being reproduced in more countries.

Please contact us or Mr. M. Ikegami sbikegami@yahoo.co.jp for further details.

Benefits of rebounding

Rebounding is easy and fun, the benefits of rebounding are recognized for decades. Daily rebounding makes you stronger, happier and healthier, prevents illness and disease.

Exercise is the key to mobility, good health and good quality of daily life.

These facts are important to know:

- Lymphatic System

- Immune System

- Respiratory System

- Cardiovascular System

- Muscle

- Bone

- Joint

- Balance & Coordination

- Digestive System

- Vision

- Mind

- Body

- Pain

Read more:

An article written by Dr. DeWall J. Hildreth in USA, published on 20 December 2008 on GREEN VALLEY NEWS AND SUN, headlined: “Significance of physical, mental activity and degenerative diseases”, talking about the comprehensive advantages of vertical rebound exercises. Have a read, to understand what your body needs:

Dr. Dewall Hildreth article [PDF]

Contact us now, we guarantee the highest-quality and highest-safety standard trampolines. 

We take compliance issues seriously.

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